The Siamese Cat Society of NSW is affiliated with CatsNSW as their govening body. This status is voted on yearly at the AGM as per the SCS constitution. Which can be viewed below….
The Siamese Cat Society of NSW Inc. is a non-profit organisation run by an enthusiastic group of members whose key goal is to best ensure the preservation of the pure Siamese breed. Meticulous care by breeders has gone into making sure that only the colours Seal, Chocolate, Blue and Lilac recognised all over the World as Pure are retained in these lines.
There are 3 levels of membership offered by the Siamese cat society NSW inc.
Full Joint or Single Membership Gives a full list of benefits including votes at AGM.
Associate Membership Limited benefits for non siamese cat owners.
Introductory Membership First year membership paid by breeder at time of purchasing a kitten.
The Cat Association of the Northern Territory
is a sister club of the Siamese Cat Society they have a Facebook page which can be
viewed here. The clubs publication which is full of relative information can be downloaded off our site for viewing at your leisure.